Ajoite from Throwin Stones collection.

Both Ajoite and Papagoite are highly rare and sought after inclusions in Quartz.

Ajoite is a hydrated sodium potassium copper aluminium silicate hydroxide mineral. There may also be traces of Manganese, Calcium, and Iron included. It is translucent and blue-green in color, with greenish-white streaks.

It can often be found together with other rare minerals such as Plancheite, Papagoite, and Shattuckite.

Type Localities for Ajoite include: New Cornelia Mine (Ajo Mine), Ajo, Little Ajo Mts, Ajo District, Pima Co., Arizona, USA

Papagoite from Throwin Stones collection.

Papagoite occurs in the form of thin veins, crusts, and as phantom and snowball inclusions in Quartz. It is a pure and vivid sky blue color. Named after the Papago Indian tribe, the early inhabitants of the area around Ajo, Arizona where it was discovered in 1960.

The most exquisite specimens of Papagoite come from Messina mine in South Africa, and often occur as phantoms inside Quartz. Papagoite from Messina is now considered extinct, as no crystals have come out from the Messina mine in many years. This makes Papagoite extremely rare and hard to come by. It is highly sought after by mineral collectors due to its rarity and potent metaphysical properties.

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